Yesterday I posted a quick start guide for the Antenai. It’s a great resource, and as I said, the more you use it, the better you get at research and understanding Italian. I was doing great finding my mom’s family in Bari, there are a lot of records already indexed for many of those towns. I hit two brick walls on my dad’s family in Naples.
First the Sorrentino family — Based on the naming convention for Italian children and knowing that my grandparents followed this exactly, I knew that my great grandfather had to be Achille. Nothing was coming up for him remotely close to that name.
Second the Piromallo Family — Based on the records of noble families, and confirmation from my cousin, I knew that my great grandparents were Nicola Piromallo and Emilia Caracciolo, I was able to find several records for Emilia, but nothing for Nicola and his family that would confirm that I was looking at the right family,
As I searched around on the internet, I came across Bella Italia Genealogy they offer 1 hour free consultation with a guarantee of giving tangible results. Their fees are quite reasonable and after exchanging and email or two with Alessandro, I decided to take a shot on the 1 hour consultation. Alessandro sent a few documents that confirmed that they were bonafide researchers so I took the next step and signed up for 10 hours of research for $500.
The first drop of records gave me detail on the Piromallo family that I would not have been able to find. You can see some of the records below. The second drop gave me Sorrentino information.
This is only one small part of what I received. Bella Italia sent me over 200 pieces of documentation, that later allowed me to continue to research and find more records, based on names included in these two drops that I would have never found on my own. In addition to record research, Bella Italia also provides tours to meet your distant cousins in Italy and help to get Italian citizenship.
This record confirms the birth of my great grandfather

This record confirms the birth of my great grandmother

Line 5C shows the marriage of Nicola and Emilia that I had from Caracciolo records on Angelfire.

These two pages from the Comune Di Napoli show the marriage of Nicola and Emilia that I received from Bella Italia.

These pages show the birth of my great grandfather Achille.