Hi all! As you know we have been posting out favorite recipes for quite some time. My cousin’s Jayne and John have created a great video on easy pesto. Visit our recipe page for Uncle Connie’s pesto and other great recipes.
We hope that this will become a feature and we have some more great videos of Italian Recipes from Bari.

Life in Toritto, Bari 1909 – 1950 ( as told by Giovanni Nicoletti )
I have always been a student of history, which is one of the reasons that I began researching my family. Last year, about this time. I learned that my uncle Giovanni’s youngest son, Joe, had taped several conversations he had with his dad. Joe and his sister Vita, were able to translate from the original Barese into English. Here is the summary written by Joe. With some awesome photos. At the bottom you will find

Nicoletti Family History
Hi all. I’ve decided to do a blog page for all the history and records that I have found so far. I am going to start from the beginning and work my way back to all the aunts and uncles. I’ll add photos, records eventually the old movies, whatever I have so far and may find later. There are comment boxes, if you want to add a story or a memory. I am going to

Stories from Prewar Bari
Fresh Milk One of the best things that I learned from my cousin when talking to her about her stories from prewar Bari, was clarification about the cow. We all knew growing up that great grandpa Francesco Nicoletti owned a cow. What is so cool is the cow story is that he would go door to door with my uncle with the cow. You would put in your order and he would deliver fresh milk