Unfortunately I know ver little about Maria Emilia, but not for lack of trying. I eventually found the records below which did give me incite into where she lived and died, but not much else. I am hoping that someone will read these blogs and eventually come up with a story about her or her parents. In the meantime, I’ll have to settle for the information from the records.
Recently I connected with cousin Carlo Raso in Italy who did this excellent hand drawn chart showing our relationship and link to Luigi Caracciolo the fourth prince of Torchiarolo. As you can see Carlo has a couple of more princes in his line.
You can read the entire story in my book “Farmers and Nobles”

Index Record of the Birth of Maria Emilia

Birth Record of Maria Emilia Caracciolo di Torchiarolo

On June 22nd, 1860, before the civil status officer of Naples, Vicaria district, appeared lord knight Filippo Caracciolo of the princes of Torchiarolo, wealthy aged 40, residing in strada Carbonara number 33, and presented a female child whom he declared was born to him and to lady Luisa Mohr from Lucerne, Switzerland, aged 30, his wife living with him, on the 21st of said month at 7 hours of Italy. The same also declared to bestow to the child the names of Maria Emilia Giulia Anna Luigia Lutgard Paolina Baldassarre Melchiorre Gaspare. Witnesses to this act were lord knight Ferdinando Messanelli, wealthy aged 32 from Naples, and lord count Francesco Cigala, wealthy aged 34 from Naples. She was baptized on June 22nd, 1860.
[Side note on second page] On June 24th, 1882, Maria Emilia Caracciolo of the late Filippo married with Nicola Piromallo in the Vicaria district of Naples.
Death Record of Maria Emilia Caracciolo di Torchiarolo

Death #1219 for Maria Emilia Caracciolo di Torchiarolo: The year 1902, the 20th day of July, at the hour of 10 AM at the town hall, before me Nicola Marino, Vice Secretary, functioning for the Mayor, Official of the civil state of the comune of Naples Vicaria, appeared Giuseppe Canetti (son of deceased Vincenzo), age 40, a landowner living at Via Trinchera and Eugenio Tornatore (son of Antonio), age 21, an advocate living at Pacell_ _ _?, and they said at the hour of 3 PM yesterday at a house at Via Carbonara number 30, the death occurred of Maria Emilia Caracciolo#, age 42, a kind woman, who was born and lived in Naples, daughter of the deceased Filippo and the deceased Luisa Mohr and she was the wife of Nicola Piromallo. This act was made in the presence of Gustavo Canestrelli (son of Giovanni), age 23, a merchant, and Giovanni Piromallo (son of deceased Francesco), age 53, a landowner. After reading this act to all present, they all signed with me di Torchiarolo in the margin.

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