Seven New Links
Here are The Best Genealogy Research links that we have found over the years . We will continue to update as we come across more. These are great for beginners or those who are already researching family history.
Interactive Map of Italy – Rough Guides
Campania – Municipalities
Guide to Italian Birth Records – Translation Assistance
Sicilian Research – Sicilian Family Tree
Professional Translation Experts – Proz
More of the Best Genealogy Research Links
Italian Surnames
Link to Italian Surnames — Ganino
Surnames in Italy — Names and more
Italian Research — Italian Surnames Database
Families from Marano Marchesato, Cosenza, Calabria, Italia — Rootsweb
Most Common Surnames in Italy — Surnames
Families from – Sant’Ippolito
Jewish Roots in Italy — Jewish Genealogy in Italy
Genealogy Help
Beginner Genealogists (great site by Diann) to give you a boost — Fortify Your Family Tree
Genealogy Sites on the Internet. Probably the most extensive list — Cyndi’s List
Super translator better than Google — Promt
English Equivalent of Italian Occupations — A to Z
Italian Military — Uniforms
Canton of Lucerne Family Search — Lucerne
Multiple Links — Italian Genealogy Home
NYPL 5 Ways to Research your Italian Heritage without leaving home — New York Public Library
Italian Genealogy Group — Comprehensive Database Search
Jewish Roots in Italy — Jewish Genealogy in ItalyJewish Roots in Italy — Jewish Genealogy in Italy
Ellis Island – Records
Quick Links for Ellis Island – Steve Morse
Genealogy for Beginners – Home Genealogy Guide
Genealogy for Beginners – Ultimate Beginners Guide
USA Military Records – USA
Italian Records
Italian Records Search with English Instructions – – Antenati
Noble Records of the Mediterranean — Libro d’oro della Nobilita Mediterranea
History of the Noble Families of Naples in Italian — Nobili Napoletani
Links to Websites with Italian Records — Genti di Mare
Academy of Italian Heraldry — Accademia Araldica Nobiliare Italiana
Search for Italian Cultural Sites — Cultural Search
Officers of the Neapolitan Army 1846 (enter a name to search) — Ruoli de generali
Officers of the Neapolitan Army 1853 (enter a name to search) — Ruoli de generali
Bella Italian Genealogy great resource in Italy for research — Bella
Italian Genealogy Reasearch –GenTracer
Southern Italian Genealogy – Southern Italy Genealogical Center
Family Charting for Royals and Nobles — Ancestral
Professional Translation Experts – Proz

Italian DNA — Where do we come from?
But I know my grandparents came from Italy, how come I’m not 100% on my Italian DNA test? I know where I came from, why should I take a DNA test. Ahh, there just made up anyway, somebody I know took the test and it said they where only 10% Italian, how can that be? All valid questions. One thing we have to remember is that Italy was not united until the mid 19th Century.

Our Italian Surnames
There are over 300,000 Italian surnames and the origins are really very interesting. Have you ever thought about the origin of your Italian name? If so, I’d like to recommend the book “Our Italian Surnames” by Joseph G. Fucilla. While this book does not list all 300,000 Surnames, it does give us great insight into the evolution of both given names and surnames. Our Italian Surnames covers every fact of Italian names and naming practices. It
Origins of Italian Names
I have seen a lot of posts with people asking about the Origins of Italian names. There’s a lot of information and articles on the web. I’ll sum it up and attach some links so that they are easy to find. First Names Like most European countries, Italian names consist of a First Name ( nome ) and last name ( cognome ). In ancient Rome, they used three names a given name, a gentile
DNA Comparison
I thought it would make sense to do a DNA comparison across the companies where I sent my data. I did two tests, Living DNA and Ancestry.com. I have also sent my data to My Heritage and GED Match. I may one day try the test at 23 and Me. You can Hyperlink to any of these sites, to see their deals. So far I have found that Living DNA gives the best data, and
Italian DNA – Haplogroups
Having received great feedback on my post Italian DNA — Where Do We Come From? I thought I would go a little deeper into Haplogroups. Very simple put, a Haplogroup is a marker of sorts that denotes a certain mutation at a certain time in history. This marker allows genealogists to more or less pinpoint a migration path. Males inherit this marker from both parents, while females only their mother. Knowing your haplogroup allows
Ask Grandma For Some Help
Maria Luisa Piromallo C. 1900 Maria Nicoletti The best way to get information is to ask grandma for some help! People often ask me “how did you find out all that information?” In my case, I didn’t have any grandparents left to ask, but they are certainly the best source of information. The more data that you have about your grandparents, where they lived, when they came to America, if they migrated, the better. Birth