Bob and Phillip discuss how they found their noble Italian Ancestors, and who they have in common. Some very interesting similarities.
Check out my book Farmers and Nobles On this site or Amazon and Kindle

King Ferrante of Naples and Isabella De Clermont
Ferrante or Ferdinand was quite a guy. Known to be very ruthless he kept his enemies close by stuffing them and sitting them around a banquet table, as if at the last supper. He had at least 18 children, and as a result many of them are my direct ancestors. [3d-flip-book id=”131416″ ][/3d-flip-book] Follow our page on Facebook Ferdinand I (2 June 1423 – 25 January 1494), also called Ferrante, was the King of Naples

Isabella D’Este and Francesco Gonzaga 13th Great Grandparents
Join Our Group On Facebook I decided to go way back in time today, mostly because Isabella D’Este was such a fascinating woman, especially for her time. I had never heard of her before and only came across her while doing research on the Caracciolo family. She was on of the most important women of her time and had a lot of influence into the art of the 15th and 16th centuries as you will

Maria Emilia Caracciolo di Torchiarolo
Unfortunately I know ver little about Maria Emilia, but not for lack of trying. I eventually found the records below which did give me incite into where she lived and died, but not much else. I am hoping that someone will read these blogs and eventually come up with a story about her or her parents. In the meantime, I’ll have to settle for the information from the records. Recently I connected with cousin Carlo
My Italian last name is: D’Auria as it’s the ancient Italian noble Coat of the Arms of the crest of D’Auria Family originally in Naples, Italy and Campania province in Italy for a long time. Still I am searching for more ancestors while researching on my D’Auria Family Tree over all of Italy including Sardinia and Sicily since January 1977 when I still was a college student at Gallaudet University in Washington DC, USA. In fact I am the Second-Generation Italian American citizen in my D’Auria Family on American soil. Now I have my B.A, in double majors of Biology and Chemistry from Gallaudet University with Class of 1981. Then I am a retiree residing in Henrietta, New York outside the city of Rochester, New York, USA. Well I know abut Auria as the famous extremely rich Italian noblewoman originated in Sardinia as the ancient Italian last name was: De Auriae meaning The Sons Of Auria in a fact. It happened in 990 A.D. (10 th Century A.D.) in Sardinia so historically.