Riveting and informative interview with author Nicola Mastronardi about the Samnites who occupied central Italy for many centuries before Christ and fought several wars with Rome. Nicola Graduated with Political Science degree from “Cesare Alfieri” of Florence. A member of the Georgofili Academy, he is a scholar of the semi-nomadic civilizations of the Italian Apennines and the Mediterranean. For twenty years he has alternated freelance in the field of excursion tourism with interests in ancient (Samnite) and contemporary history.Press officer of Italian institutions and political circles, he has collaborated, among others, with newspapers such as La Repubblica, Il Sabato, Il Tempo, magazines of the QN-Quotidiani Nazionali group and television broadcasts of Rai Radiotelevisione Italiana. From 2003 to 2010 he was a consultant for Linea Verde Horizons, Rai Uno. Expert in History of Journalism and Contemporary History at the Degree Course in Political Science of the University of Molise, in 2011 he published “Gaddafi, the betrayed revolution” (Mimesis Edizioni, Mi). Note his essays on the sheep track system of the Italian Apennines and the volume “The Green Giants – Images and suggestions on the Molise sheep tracks. “Vitelui” Translation by Letizia Sinisi from Italy Rooting. Podcast Click here to join our group on Facebook Video
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Swindled to NY
The unification of Italy in 1861 launched a new European nation promising to fulfill the dreams of Italians, yet millions of poor peasants still found themselves in economic desperation. By 1872, an army of speculators had invaded the countryside, hawking steamship tickets and promising fabulous riches in America. Thousands of immigrants fled to the New World, only to be abandoned upon arrival and forced to find work in hard labor. New York placed victims of deception at the State Emigrant Refuge on Ward’s Island as the secretary of state and the Italian prime minister sought to intervene. Through steel-eyed determination, many surmounted their status and became leaders in business and culture. Authors Joe Tucciarone and Ben Lariccia follow the early stages of mass Italian immigration and the fraudulent circumstances that brought them to New York Harbor. Visit Our Shop Podcast Click here to join our group on Facebook Video
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John Campitelli talks about being born in Italy and adopted by an Italian-American family. Through his group on Facebook,, John and other volunteers help people to find their birth mothers in Italy. Not an simple process. Podcast Visit Our Shop Click here to join our group on Facebook Video
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Podcast Giorgia Montella talks about going home and seeing the real Italy… Your home village! Link to Here&There Visit Our Shop Click here to join our group on Facebook Video
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Peggy Fucillo talks about growing up Italian-American in Boston’s North End in the 1950’s and ’60’s Visit Our Shop Podcast Click here to join our group on Facebook Video
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