Researching Biccari, Foggia, Puglia
A moment and a movement; New Biccari. With Erick and Giuseppe Lucera and Rich Leto The book illustrates how a moment in time when the author returned to his ancestral village let to research into the movement of people from Biccari to Philadelphia.
Erick along with cousins in Italy Gennaro and Giuseppe Lucera trace the 1200 Biccarese citizens to America, ending up mostly Philadelphia. Using data analytics and his cousin’s local stories from previously published books, the new book shows when, why, and where the immigrants went. The book shows that not only did most of the immigrants settle in dense areas together, but they were also closely related. Using church records dating back to the 1550s, we found that most of the people share several of the same common ancestors who had come to Biccari from other villages.
The book was inspired by a moment In time when Erick went to Biccari for the first time in 2009 and the goal of the book was to provide a path back for thousands of Biccarese Americans to enjoy the same moment of returning to their ancestral village. Our presentation will also focus on one of those moments for Erick’s cousin Rich, who accompanied him to Italy and Biccari for the first time this past summer. After landing in Naples, we spent a week in our ancestral village of Biccari, then went down the coast of Puglia to villages, such as Molfetta and Barletta, that our ancestors lived in BEFORE coming to Biccari in the 1600s. We also spent time in Polignano Al mare, Lecce, Alberobello, and Ostuni. Rich will recount his feelings of walking the steps of our ancestors from Naples, Biccari and other villages we visited.
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Catarina Grazioso and Francesco Di Marco
GG Philomena
Daniel Lucera
Daniel Lucera
GG Raphael Sabatini
Aniello Lucera
Amelia Sabatini
Rosa DeMarco
Aniello Lucera and Elisa Basile
Homemade Recipes — Inspiration Magazine
Mary Gennusa Patterson talks about her new Inspirations Magazine on Amazon or hard copy with her family recipes from Sicily.
A new ebook periodical that features the art, crafts, and especially Sicilian recipes of author Mary B. Gennusa Patterson. Aided by her chef son Joseph Patterson, Mary recreates her family’s favorites in easy-to-follow and illustrated recipes that will tantalize . Stories about her family, examples of her artwork and poetry, and links to her novels, Franco and Anna Gennusa: Their Journey and After Love: The Life of Anna Gennusa A Novel.
For hard copy send $12.50 to
Mary B. Patterson
1711 Dryden Way
Crofton, MD 21114
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Italian Citizenship Information
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Bob interviews Giorgio Nusiner from ITAMCAP ( Italian American Citizenship Assistance Program ).
Giorgio Nusiner was born and raised in Rome and graduated in law from La Sapienza University of Rome in 1985. Very open-minded and always ready for a dialogue, after living several years in Venezuela, in 2005 he moved to Miami and from this moment he decided to put into practice his knowledge by creating an accessible and useful space for all those who want to backtrack their origins to obtain Italian citizenship. As an expert in the field of Italian citizenship, he decided to create Itamcap with the aim of making the process of getting Italian citizenship easier, safer, and guaranteed.
Itamcap’s goal is to ensure, through direct consultations with clients, a safe and linear path to obtain Italian citizenship without leaving them exposed to the long timelines often implied by bureaucracy. The company offers free consultations and communicates with certainty whether you are actually eligible to obtain Italian citizenship.
Mention ITAMCAP5OFF Coupon when calling. (877) 456-1660
Court cases: to overcome the impossibility of obtaining citizenship administratively, in specific cases we offer the possibility of applying through Italian Courts resolving both the legal and administrative limitations and the manifest and unjustified delay of administrative services worldwide.
Italian Citizenship by Descent (Jure Sanguinis, or by bloodline)
Italian Citizenship by Marriage (Jure Matrimonii)
Re-acquisition of Italian Citizenship lost through US naturalization
AIRE registration
Italian and US Vital Records
Naturalization Records
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Caracciolo Family History
The Caracciolo di Torchiarolo are a side branch of the Caracciolo di Avellino. The progenitor of the Torchiarolos was the second son of the fifth prince of Avellino, Ambrogio (1699-1748), who obtained in 1726, upon payment of 9000 ducats, the fiefdom of Torchiarolo, in the province of Lecce, on which he also received the title of Prince Ambrose married Francesca Afan de Rivera daughter of the Marquis of Villanueva de Las Torres. Ambrose’s sons were Luigi II, prince of Torchiarolo, who was initiated into an ecclesiastical career by his cousin, the prince of Avellino, who thus hoped to take possession of the properties and titles of the Torchiarolo family, and Serafina. Luigi, to sevntare the aims of his cousin, stripped off the cassock and challenged the renunciation he had signed years earlier, claiming his rights and credits against them. Later he married Iamara Frantone, daughter of the prince of Pietracupa, from whom he had Ambrogio who married Maria Teresa Sanchez de Luna. In 1770 the brother of his paternal grandmother Pedro Alfan de Rivera, the last Marquis of Villanueva de Las Torres, died childless. The conspicuous patrimony that he possessed in Spain, passed by right to the descendants of Pedro’s sister, Maria Francesca Afan de Rivera, first princess of Torchiarolo. Ambrose, who wore cassocks at the time of Pedro’s death, was expelled from the succession so that all the assets passed to his aunt Serafina Caracciolo, princess of S. Lorenzo. After abandoning the ecclesiastical state, Ambrogio sued his aunt and in 1779 he was granted the definitive possession of the assets with a sentence of the court of Madrid. The Torchiarolos’ patrimony increased further when in 1806 the last prince of Ripa died, Giovanni Francone, Ambrogio’s maternal ancestor, who remained in fact the only heir. The events of 1799 forced Ambrose to retire to Sorrento. In 1806 he followed Ferdinand IV to Sicily. Ambrose died in 1818. Luigi was succeeded by his nine children, to whom all the Spanish assets of the Afan de Rivera succession went, while the other 7 sons were liquidated on Mount Ciarletta (a mountain established by Scipione Caracciolo), while the only daughter Maria Iamara does not touch anything having had this dowry in 90.0000 ducats. The eldest son Luigi married Costanza Salluzzo daughter of the Duke of Corigliano. From this marriage nine children were born including: Marino (1783-1841), colonel of the royal navy and ambassador to Tunis; Camillo (1784-1850), cavalry brigadier; Scipione Alessandro (1786-1838), knight of Malta, Alonzo (1787-1841) initiated into a legal career, then deputy of the Supreme Health Magistrate and subintendent of Melfi; Paolo (1788-1855), interim commander of the company of royal horse guards and week butler of Ferdinand IV of Bourbon, and Settimino (1790-1840), initiated into an ecclesiastical career by his father who he gave up to devote himself to a military career. Settimino, married to Marianna de Curtis, had seven children. The eldest son Ambrogio, (1821-1906), married Maria Andrei, daughter of Mariano Andrei and Giovanna Morey, and with a real rescript of 1857 he was authorized to use, maritale nomine, the title of Count d’Andreu. Maria was the last descendant of one of the noblest families of the kingdom of Mallorca. Ambrogio was several times provincial councilor of Pollena Trocchia and councilor and municipal councilor of Naples. Of his 5 children we remember Fausto and Francesco who, due to the death of the first, inherited the title of Count d’Andreu from their father, was mayor of Pollena Trocchia and councilor and provincial deputy of Naples. From his marriage to Isabella Bassano, daughter of the Marquis of Tufillo, Mario was born, who was embarked on an ecclesiastical career, and Ambrogino, to whom the papers were deposited. He was honorary inspector of fine arts, corresponding member of the heraldic college of France, author of some publications including the updated re-edition of his family’s genealogy. Ambrogio was several times provincial councilor of Pollena Trocchia and councilor and municipal councilor of Naples. Of his 5 children we remember Fausto and Francesco who, due to the death of the first, inherited the title of Count d’Andreu from their father, was mayor of Pollena Trocchia and councilor and provincial deputy of Naples. From his marriage to Isabella Bassano, daughter of the Marquis of Tufillo, Mario was born, who was embarked on an ecclesiastical career, and Ambrogino, to whom the papers were deposited. He was honorary inspector of fine arts, corresponding member of the heraldic college of France, author of some publications including the updated re-edition of his family’s genealogy. Ambrogio was several times provincial councilor of Pollena Trocchia and councilor and municipal councilor of Naples. Of his 5 children we remember Fausto and Francesco who, due to the death of the first, inherited the title of Count d’Andreu from their father, was mayor of Pollena Trocchia and councilor and provincial deputy of Naples. From his marriage to Isabella Bassano, daughter of the Marquis of Tufillo, Mario was born, who was embarked on an ecclesiastical career, and Ambrogino, to whom the papers were deposited. He was honorary inspector of fine arts, corresponding member of the heraldic college of France, author of some publications including the updated re-edition of his family’s genealogy. due to the death of the former, he inherited the title of Count d’Andreu from his father, was mayor of Pollena Trocchia and provincial councilor and deputy of Naples. From his marriage to Isabella Bassano, daughter of the Marquis of Tufillo, Mario was born, who was embarked on an ecclesiastical career, and Ambrogino, to whom the papers were deposited. He was honorary inspector of fine arts, corresponding member of the heraldic college of France, author of some publications including the updated re-edition of his family’s genealogy. due to the death of the first, he inherited the title of Count d’Andreu from his father, was mayor of Pollena Trocchia and provincial councilor and deputy of Naples. From his marriage to Isabella Bassano, daughter of the Marquis of Tufillo, Mario was born, who was embarked on an ecclesiastical career, and Ambrogino, to whom the papers were deposited. He was honorary inspector of fine arts, corresponding member of the heraldic college of France, author of some publications including the updated re-edition of his family’s genealogy. to whom the cards are deposited. He was honorary inspector of fine arts, corresponding member of the heraldic college of France, author of some publications including the updated re-edition of his family’s genealogy. to whom the cards are deposited. He was honorary inspector of fine arts, corresponding member of the heraldic college of France, author of some publications including the updated re-edition of his family’s genealogy.
related documentation
Caracciolo of Torchiarolo
Archives of families and individuals, Rome, Ministry of Cultural and Environmental Heritage, 1991, I, p. 35;
J. MAZZOLENI, Documentary and bibliographic sources from the century. X to the sec. XX preserved in the State Archives, Naples, 1978, II, pp. 361;
DOMENICA MASSAFRA PRORCARO, Inventory of the private archive of the Caracciolo family of Torchiarolo, Rome, 1978;
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Death Record of Prince Ambrogio Caracciolo Di Torchiarolo my 3rd Great Grand father ( on the right )
On 24 Jan 1818, Don Francesco Militerni (?), age 58, a lieutenant, and Carlo Daniele, age 32, and inspector (of lights?), reported that Don Ambrogio Caracciolo of Avellino, age 64, lots of military designations here…, son of the late Luigi and Maria Imara Franconi, and husband of Donna Maria Teresa Sanchez de Luna d’Aragona died. He left 9 children born of his wife.
He was a Field Marshal, Captain of the halberdiers’ body, and knight of the royal insignia.
A halberd (also called halbard, halbert or Swiss voulge) is a two-handed pole weapon that came to prominent use during the 14th and 15th centuries.
He lived at Strada Santa Lucia, 31.
Costanza daughter of Giovanni Caracciolo and Teresa Perone Birth
Costanza daughter of Giuseppe Caracciolo and Teresa Caracciolo Birth
Maddalena daughter of Giuseppe Caracciolo and Teresa Caracciolo Birth
Matilde daughter of Giovanni Caracciolo and Teresa Persone Birth
Luigi Caracciolo son of Don Filippo Caracciolo and Donna Luisa Mohr Birth – My Great Uncle
On the 31st of May in 1851 Don Filippo Caracciolo Di Torchiarolo age 31 and living at Via Carbonara 38 in Naples presented his son Luigi Martino Bernardo ? Michele Raymond ? from his legitimate wife Donna Luisa Mohr age 28.
Witnessed by Don Bernardo Mohr from Lucerne age 45 Captain in the Swiss Guard and living at Strada Marinella 78 and Don Luigi Vanni age 22 a property owner.
Luigi son of Giovanni Caracciolo and Teresa Persone Birth
Camillo son of Giovanni Caracciolo and Teresa Persone Birth
Maria Emilia Caracciolo daughter of Filippo Caracciolo and Luis Mohr Birth My Great Grandmother
On June 22nd, 1860, before the civil status officer of Naples, Vicaria district, appeared lord knight Filippo Caracciolo of the princes of Torchiarolo, wealthy aged 40, residing in strada Carbonara number 33, and presented a female child whom he declared was born to him and to lady Luisa Mohr from Lucerne, Switzerland, aged 30, his wife living with him, on the 21st of said month at 7 hours of Italy. The same also declared to bestow to the child the names of Maria Emilia Giulia Anna Luigia Lutgard Paolina Baldassarre Melchiorre Gaspare. Witnesses to this act were lord knight Ferdinando Messanelli, wealthy aged 32 from Naples, and lord count Francesco Cigala, wealthy aged 34 from Naples. She was baptized on June 22nd, 1860.
[Side note on second page] On June 24th, 1882, Maria Emilia Caracciolo of the late Filippo married with Nicola Piromallo in the Vicaria district of Naples.
Maria Emilia Caracciolo daughter of Filippo Caracciolo and Luis Mohr Death My Great Grandmother
Death #1219 for Maria Emilia Caracciolo di Torchiarolo: The year 1902, the 20th day of July, at the hour of 10 AM at the town hall, before me Nicola Marino, Vice Secretary, functioning for the Mayor, Official of the civil state of the comune of Naples Vicaria, appeared Giuseppe Canetti (son of deceased Vincenzo), age 40, a landowner living at Via Trinchera and Eugenio Tornatore (son of Antonio), age 21, an advocate living at Pacell_ _ _?, and they said at the hour of 3 PM yesterday at a house at Via Carbonara number 30, the death occurred of Maria Emilia Caracciolo#, age 42, a kind woman, who was born and lived in Naples, daughter of the deceased Filippo and the deceased Luisa Mohr and she was the wife of Nicola Piromallo. This act was made in the presence of Gustavo Canestrelli (son of Giovanni), age 23, a merchant, and Giovanni Piromallo (son of deceased Francesco), age 53, a landowner. After reading this act to all present, they all signed with me di Torchiarolo in the margin.
Nicola Piromallo Emilia Caracciolo Marriage
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Costanza Caracciolo daughter of Don Filippo Caracciolo and Donna Luisa Mohr Birth – My Great Aunt
Maria Caracciolo daughter of Don Filippo Caracciolo and Donna Luisa Mohr Birth – My Great Aunt
Elena Caracciolo daughter of Don Filippo Caracciolo and Donna Luisa Mohr Birth – My Great Aunt
Most Popular Italian Surnames – Lombardo
Number 17 Italian Surname
Number 17 on the list of most popular Italian Surnames — Lombardo. No surprise here as the name means someone from Lombardy. The Nobility of Naples shows the family going back to Padua to 1295. They have several noble branches in Naples. Several branches are listed in the Libro d’Oro You can read more in the links below. It’s very possible that you have noble roots if your last name is Lombardo. Note: A coat of arms is given to an individual not a family.
Lombardi is a geographical surname for someone who came from Lombardy, a region in northern Italy which got its name from the Lombards, a Germanic tribe who invaded in the 6th century. The name also sometimes was used to denote immigrants from other parts of northern Italy. Even today, the name is most prevalent in the city of Milano in Lombardia, Italy.
The Lombardi surname is found most prevalently in Italy, according to surname distribution data from Forebears, where it ranks as the 20th most common last name in the country. It is also somewhat common in Argentina and Brazil. In the United States, Lombardi families are found in greatest numbers in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
Surname data from WorldNames PublicProfiler also demonstrates the prevalence of the Lombardi surname in Italy. Although the name originated in Lombardia, the numbers are now greatest in the Molise region, followed by Basilicata, Toscana, Campania, Puglia, Lazio and then Lombardia. Lombardi is also a fairly common name in Tessin, Switzerland.
From Thought.com
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Famous People
Andrea Lombardo(born 1987), Canadian football (soccer) player
Antonio Lombardo (sculptor)(1458–1516), sculptor, son of Pietro Lombardo
Antonio Lombardo(1892–1928), Italian-American advisor to Al Capone
Atilio Lombardo(1902-1984), Uruguayan botanist
Attilio Lombardo(born 1966), Italian football (soccer) player
Carmen Lombardo(1903–1971), Canadian musician, brother of Guy Lombardo
Dave Lombardo(born 1965), Cuban-American drummer
Giovanni Lombardo Radice(born 1954), Italian actor
Guy Lombardo(1902–1977), Canadian-American bandleader and musician
John Lombardo(born 1952), American musician (alternative rock band 10,000 Maniacs, folk duo John & Mary)
Joseph Lombardo(born 1929), American Mafia figure
Juan Lombardo(born 1927), Argentinean admiral, planned Operation Rosario
Lucio Lombardo-Radice(1916–1982), Italian mathematician
Massimo Lombardo(born 1973), Swiss footballer
Matteo Lombardo(born 1985) Italian footballer
Michelle Lombardo(born 1983), American model and actress
Pietro Lombardo(1435–1515), Italian sculptor
Raffaele Lombardo(born 1950), Italian politician
Rosalia Lombardo(1918–1920), Italian girl and one of the last people placed in the catacombs of Palermo
Rossana Lombardo(born 1962), Italian sprinter
Stanley Lombardo(born 1943), American academic and translator
Tony Lombardo(contemporary), American punk musician
Tullio Lombardo(1460–1532), Italian sculptor, son of Pietro Lombardo
Vicente Lombardo Toledano(1894–1968), Mexican labor leader
From Wikipedia
Lombardo Links
Lombardo Link from Ancestry
Lombardo Link from Forbears
Lombardo Link from Nobility of Naples
Lombardo Link 1 from Libro d’Oro
Lombardo Link 2 from Libro d’Oro
#1 Russo
#2 Ferrari
#3 Esposito
#4 Bianchi
#5 Romano
#6 Columbo
#7 Ricci
#8 Marino
#9 Greco
#10 Bruno
#11 Gallo
#12 Conti
#13 DeLuca
# 14 Costa
# 15 Giordano
# 16 Mancini