Researching Prascorsano and Pertusio Turin
Barry Jernigan talks about his ancestors from Turin arriving in Illinois in the late 1800’s and his extensive documentation research.
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Postcards From The Boot
Postcards from the Boot is a visual celebration of the special alchemy of Italy — land of romance and imagination inspiring travelers and dreamers alike for centuries.
Created and curated by award-wining author Carla Gambescia in collaboration with La Dolce Vita University (LaDolceVitaU.com), artist and photographer Frank Yantorno of Mernano, Italy and The Scholar Archive of Florence.
Come journey with La Dolce Vita University (L◆D◆V◆U) and Carla Gambescia to the heart of Italian culture in the seductive spirit of la dolce vita. Like a box of Italian sweets La Dolce Vita U’s many lectures, programs and events are the perfect sampler to indulge anyone curious about, or already in amore with, Italy and its remarkable riches.
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Little Italy – New York
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Wikipedia lists not one, but six “Little Italy’s” in New York City.
Italian Harlem
Arthur Avenue
Morris Park
So NYC tops the list with the most. In addition, there were dozens of Italian neighborhoods in the five boroughs from the 1920’s to the 1970’s. Pockets still remain, but most of these areas are no longer populated by just Italians. For example, Little Italy in Manhattan has shrunk to a few square blocks, with few Italian families still residing. Most of it overly commercialized and more a tourist attraction, than an Italian neighborhood. Even the San Gennero feast is not the same. The las time I was there a few years ago many of the vendors were not Italian.
My wife’s mom grew up on Spring St, as did my aunt’s husband. Their parents actually came from the same town in Italy. I believe that there is some connection there, as they share some surnames, but DNA did not show a match to my cousin.
We grew up in Corona Queens, which was almost 100% Italian from the ’30’s to the 70’s. Great fun. Their was a beer garden across from my grandmother’s with a bocce court and the Italian feast would be on that block every summer. The Zeppole stand was right outside her gate. Three for a quarter! The salumaria was up the block and at least three bakeries within a few blocks. Those were the days.
Little Italy in New York goes back to the late 1800’s . Rather than go into a all that history here, I will give you some links to articles and some books on the subject, written by people who write better than I. Also, there are some great Youtube videos that you can watch.
Brief History of Little Italy in NYC – Triplemint
The Mulberry Bend – Infamous NY
Italian Harlem – Focus
Arthur Ave – Bronx Little Italy
Some great videos. Eddie Hot Dog used to be across the street from the school and my aunt’s Beauty Parlor. The Lemon Ice King was a few blocks from my grandmothers. We would but the entire container for parties. The best lemon ice ever. Still there today, at least 70 years.
NYC Harlem
Mom’s parents, dad’s parents and mom and dad wedding in Corona.
Nobili Napoletani – Naples Nobility
Torre Piromallo – Once the summer home of my 3rd Great Grand Parents
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Nobili Napoletani
Nobili Napoletani is a great website that is dedicated to the Noble Families of Naples. In addition, it provides some links to other good websites for Neapolitan and Italian research in general. To be fair, finding your name on this site does not guarantee that you descend from that family or a branch of that family. A lot of hard research needs to be done to confirm.
Unlike researching family in the US on let’s say ancestry.com, researching in Italy is much harder, but not impossible, The best place to start is the antenati site, which gives birth, death and marriage records starting around 1806. While not every person is on there yet, more and more are added every month. The site is in Italian, but they do have some pages that you can click the flag and get an English translation, or you can use this google link. They google translations are not the best, but you will get the picture.
Even if you are not sure about your family being noble, the Nobili Napoletani is a great site for anyone researching the History of Naples. Some things that stood out was the information about the seats one Naples. Basically, these families ran the many sections of the city. We will be doing another post soon about another great website that lists more noble families of Italy. During the Spanish reign over Naples, because there was a shortage of Spanish nobles, they began to marry into Italian families. In many cases, names were changed to look and sound more Italian. One example of this is Pope Alexander IV, the Borgia Pope. His name in Spanish would be Borja. His daughter, Lucrezia Borgia, had an affair with one of my GGGGG Grandfather’s. Francesco Gonzga.
If you are not sure, need some help or have a road block that you can not resolve, you can always call on a professional for help. I used Bella Italia Genealogy. Alex and his team are based in Campania are excellent and very reasonable. You can find his link and others here.
Nobili Napoletani page shots of my two main families Caracciolo and Piromallo.
Helpful links on the Nobili Napoletani, using google translate where available:
List of all the names
Stemarrio or Crests
Stories of the Kings I have direct line into the Normans, Swabians, Angevins and Argonese.
List of Titles
Seats of Naples
Knight Orders
My great grandfather’s that were Knights of the Spanish Golden Fleece. Note: Carlo Maria is not direct,
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Prince Marino Caracciolo C 1625
Me 1977
Listen to Ky White explain “Gateway Ancestors”, how to get a special book or chart on your ancestors and much more. Including “WAS RAGNAR REAL”.
Ky White is an expert in researching and charting American Founders and Medieval Royalty and Nobility.
See my chart above in the main picture.
Contact Ky
Link to order a chart: https://ancestralcharts.com/product/personalized-family-charts/Link to order a The Genealogy of the Crusaders: https://ancestralcharts.com/product/the-genealogy-of-the-crusaders-triumphs-and-tragedies-1st-ed/ email: ky.white@ancestralcharts.com website: www.ancestralcharts.com
Me and my 8th Great Grandfather Prince Marino Caracciolo II from Avellino at around the same age. Me today, dressed as the prince at his hunting lodge. Buy my book to get the full story.
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