Connie Knox discusses the when and why she started her research, which has led to her creating Genealogy TV. Genealogy TV is a great resource not only for beginners, but also for seasoned researchers that may want help to break through roadblocks or to find additional resource tools. About Genealogy TV Genealogy TV can be found at has been on YouTube since early August 2018. The channel currently reaches an average of 135,000 views per month and has achieved over 4.5 million lifetime views.   Genealogy TV typically produces one video per week, released on Friday mornings.  NC Ancestry NC Ancestry is a sister YouTube channel to Genealogy TV, aimed specifically at North Carolina resources, along with its web companion Genealogy TV Academy Newly launched in March of 2022 Genealogy TV Academy which is an online course platform featuring self-guided courses as well as monthly live classes via Zoom. Connect with Genealogy TV Website YouTube Facebook About Constance Henley Knox Connie Knox has been a genealogist for over 47 years and a professional genealogist since 2016.  However, her genealogy interests are primarily in genealogical education using video. Connie Knox was a television broadcast professional starting her career at a Public Broadcasting Station in Southern California. She has expertise in video production, advertising, marketing, television station management and ownership.  She had been in television broadcasting for over 40 years working in every aspect of TV broadcasting, culminating as the General Manager of a CBS affiliate and as a station owner. As she says, “I went from PBS to CBS.”   Podcast Click here to join our group on Facebook Video
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Unfortunately I know ver little about Maria Emilia, but not for lack of trying.  I eventually found the records below which did give me incite into where she lived and died, but not much else.  I am hoping that someone will read these blogs and eventually come up with a story about her or her parents.  In the meantime, I’ll have to settle for the information from the records. Recently I connected with cousin Carlo Raso in Italy who did this excellent hand drawn chart showing our relationship and link to Luigi Caracciolo the fourth prince of Torchiarolo. As you can see Carlo has a couple of more princes in his line. You can read the entire story in my book “Farmers and Nobles” Join our Facebook Group Index Record of the Birth of Maria Emilia Birth Record of Maria Emilia Caracciolo di Torchiarolo On June 22nd, 1860, before the civil status officer of Naples, Vicaria district, appeared lord knight Filippo Caracciolo of the princes of Torchiarolo, wealthy aged 40, residing in strada Carbonara number 33, and presented a female child whom he declared was born to him and to lady Luisa Mohr from Lucerne, Switzerland, aged 30, his wife living with him, on the 21st of said month at 7 hours of Italy. The same also declared to bestow to the child the names of Maria Emilia Giulia Anna Luigia Lutgard Paolina Baldassarre Melchiorre Gaspare. Witnesses to this act were lord knight Ferdinando Messanelli, wealthy aged 32 from Naples, and lord count Francesco Cigala, wealthy aged 34 from Naples. She was baptized on June 22nd, 1860. [Side note on second page] On June 24th, 1882, Maria Emilia Caracciolo of the late Filippo married with Nicola Piromallo in the Vicaria district of Naples. Death Record of Maria Emilia Caracciolo di Torchiarolo Death #1219 for Maria Emilia Caracciolo di Torchiarolo: The year 1902, the 20th day of July, at the hour of 10 AM at the town hall, before me Nicola Marino, Vice Secretary, functioning for the Mayor, Official of the civil state of the comune of Naples Vicaria, appeared Giuseppe Canetti (son of deceased Vincenzo), age 40, a landowner living at Via Trinchera and Eugenio Tornatore (son of Antonio), age 21, an advocate living at Pacell_ _ _?, and they said at the hour of 3 PM yesterday at a house at Via Carbonara number 30, the death occurred of Maria Emilia Caracciolo#, age 42, a kind woman, who was born and lived in Naples, daughter of the deceased Filippo and the deceased Luisa Mohr and she was the wife of Nicola Piromallo. This act was made in the presence of Gustavo Canestrelli (son of Giovanni), age 23, a merchant, and Giovanni Piromallo (son of deceased Francesco), age 53, a landowner. After reading this act to all present, they all signed with me di Torchiarolo in the margin.
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If you are looking to do an Italian Surname Searches , we have found some of the best links.  While there are many many links these are our favorites.  Visit our LINKS page for more research information.  And our BOOKS page for how to research. Click here to join Italian Genealogy on Facebook. This is a really cool site as it gives the origin for your name, also variations and popularity in the US — Behind the Name This is a pretty neat one as it shows the map of Italy with the names by region, heat map style — Brilliant Maps This one gives a heat map in a different style, and other countries as well — Italian Surname Map One more map, in a different style — Italian Names Surnames by region, type in a surname for the region and you get a list, you can also get the list of the most common names in a region — Italian Surnames This site gives a list of names by region also — Italy Heritage Italian Side gives you location and pronunciation — Italian Side Seven facts about Italian surnames from  — Ancestry Italian Surnames Interesting article on the origin of Italian Surnames  ( over 1,000,000 )– La Gazzetta Extensive Italian Surname Searches  from BYU — BYU Italian List Brief article on Italian Surname Searches  from Ancestral Findings The ten most common Italian Surname searches in the US 1. Russo (45,787 people) 2. Marino (26,789 people) 3. Romano (24,280 people) 4. Rossi (23,879 people) 5. Bruno (22,917 people) 6. Esposito (21,438 people) 7. Caruso (19,400 people) 8. Rizzo (17,368 people) 9. Gallo (16,937 people) 10. Greco (16,178 people)   Search on my grandmother’s name from Italian Surnames Piromallo 12.28 Napoli Napoli Piromallo 9.60 Torre del Greco Napoli Piromallo 9.48 San Nicola la Strada Caserta Piromallo 9.36 Portici Napoli Piromallo 3.83 Marano di Napoli Napoli Piromallo 3.51 Ercolano Napoli Piromallo 3.44 Castello di Cisterna Napoli Piromallo 3.36 Mugnano di Napoli Napoli Piromallo 3.32 Pomigliano d’Arco Napoli Piromallo 2.44 Forio Napoli
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Italian DNA
If you are like me you have been searching for the best software for your family tree. I have tried several, and paid quite a bit of money over the years to start new and pay for the latest updates. Most that claim to be shareable do not do the job. TNG — The Next Generation developed by Darrin Lythgoe is the best by far that I have found. For under $100 you can purchase the software and create your own website with his partners at Simply Hosting. You can try the demo here. What’s even better, you don’t have to go through a help desk, you can just drop Darrin a line.   “This program is a winner!” — Dick Eastman, Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter. If you’ve been looking for an easy way to put your family tree online while keeping full control, TNG is for you! Don’t have a website yet? We can help with that. If you’ve already got a site that offers PHP and MySQL, you can set up and run TNG with very little effort. Don’t settle for ancient site creation methods that generate hundreds of HTML pages, or for freeware solutions that don’t come with any support. Get TNG today! TNG Features: GEDCOM Import/Export: No need to retype everything. Search: Easy lookup by name, or advanced search on dates, places and more. Dynamic Charts: Pedigree, descendants, relationship, timeline, family group, etc. Clean, Easy to Read: One person per page, sensible layout, clear navigation. Surname and First Name Lists: Quickly display your main lines alphabetically and by popularity. Customizeable: Choose from 21 free design templates, or purchase one from a third party Security: Create users with various rights, protect living/private data. Media: Upload and link photos, histories, videos, you name it. Administration: Manage everything from a central admin menu. Backup/Restore: Safeguard your data, recover from disaster. Multiple Trees: Host more than one GEDCOM at a time. Strong Support: Make use of a forum, a wiki and two mailing lists, or ask the author. Much More: Google Maps, LDS data supported, Cemeteries, Dates & Anniversaries, “What’s New”, etc. etc.! See a more complete feature list here. Podcast Click here to join our group on Facebook Video
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Amy Panetta talks about her Italian Roots from Capri and Veroli.Amy Panetta talks about her Italian Roots from Capri and Veroli.  She is currently working on her Board Certification as a Genealogist and is available to complete custom family history research projects, as well as facilitate and teach one-on-one and group classes for children, teens, adults, and families in creating a family tree, conducting family history research, as well as navigating genealogy websites, including Antenati. Since 2005, Amy Panetta, MA has empowered people of all ages to learn a musical instrument (piano, voice, woodwinds, brass, percussion, strings) and achieve their musical goals through a combination of teacher- and student-directed educational experiences in one-on-one and group lessons. Amy Panetta, MA provides groups and classes with the experience to engage, participate, and connect with others in singing, playing, reading, writing, composing, improvising, and listening to music in a positive, nurturing, supportive, warm, and friendly environment.  Capri Genealogy on Facebook Podcast Click here to join our group on Facebook Video
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