Join Bob as he interviews Paul Nauta from family

Paul Nauta is a blatantly proud second generation Italian-American who still speaks “la lingua” and has wonderful Italian family history stories for an amateur. His paternal grandfather immigrated to Ellis Island just before WWI and maternal grandparents in the 1890s. His Italian roots originate in Cagnano Varano (Foggia), Sassano (Salerno), and Alia (Palermo). He is the Senior Marketing Communications and PR Manager for FamilySearch International where he manages the FamilySearch Blog and Newsroom. He loves family, the great outdoors, everything Italian, and a good story. He’s a pretty good Italian cook too. His claim to Italian genealogical infamy was being able to personally reconnect with his living family in Italy and introduce the next generation of his family. He is married, has 4 children, and 3 grandchildren. Direct surnames in his Italian family tree are DiNauta, Benvenga, DiCataldo, Pelusi, Volpe, Garone, Bessolano, Polito, Miceli (Michelli), Pizzillo, D’Ippolito, Todaro, Taravella, Sedita, Lotuso, Chimento.
Family History Library Consultations (Reservation Page)
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FamilySearch Wiki: Italy Genealogy
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Italy | Italy, Austro-Hungarian Empire (for parts of Italy) | Southern Europe Genealogy Research Community | Southern Italian Genealogy Network,Sicilian Genealogy, Genealogy in Acerra, France and Mediterranean Genealogy
News Release: FS Unlocking Centuries of Italian Ancestry Records
DGA (National archives of Italy). Portale Antenati

Free Consultation
Bob gets a free consultation with Debbie Gurtler from Very simple process using the link below to schedule. He was stuck trying to find the parents of his 4th Great Grandmother Maria Angela De Riso, and Debbie was able to find her uncle’s will. Podcast Video Click here to join our group on Facebook Family History Library Consultations (Reservation Page) Italy Guided Research Explore Images FamilySearch Blog Italian Heritage Italy Country Page FamilySearch Wiki:

How does index records?
Joel Cole who works on the indexing of Italian records explains how process and how you can help. He also discusses his family and being an American citizen, with 400 year roots in the USA, and being born and raised in Italy. A unique and interesting story. Click here to join our group on Facebook If you are looking for help with your Italian Family Research, FamilySearch is FREE. Anyone can sign up for

Finding Missing Records Using Family Search
Family Search ( or ) is a free service provided by the Church of Latter Day Saints. Although free it does require you to register. I have been on a long time, so I am not sure, but they may try to up sell some products. I have used this site many many times, the last time I used it I found that while they have many records that you can view
Would like Paul’s help finding my great grandparents in calabria
Marie. The best thing to do is to sign up for the free consultation. Here is the link to mine. Just click on the ( reservations page ) link. Bob.