Updated With New Information

I thought it would make sense to do a DNA comparison across the companies where I sent my data. I did two tests, Living DNA and Ancestry.com. I have also sent my data to My Heritage and GED Match. I may one day try the test at 23 and Me. You can Hyperlink to any of these sites, to see their deals. So far I have found that Living DNA gives the best data, and for the same price it gives you full family, mother line and father line. I also think that they give a better breakdown and you can select 3 ways to view your test. I have not yet tried to upload data to Nat Geo or Family Tree.
As far as network, Ancestry has the most so far, however I have found several more people by loading data into GED Match and My Heritage. GED Match is good for finding matches, but their tools are not as robust as some of the others My GED match number is DQ4673189. I like My Heritage the best for building trees, sharing results and collaborating with others. My Heritage allows you to invited people via email and allow them access to your tree at no extra charge.
As you can see the DNA comparison is a little different, based on their algorithm. I feel that Ancestry took a step back with their latest update.
I also sent my results to My True Ancestry that compares your DNA to that of DNA found in ancient archeological sites. Pretty neat. They give you a free sample and you have 48 hours to upgrade. I have done one upgrade so far and you can see my results below.
Living DNA Combined

Living DNA Fatherline

Living DNA Motherline


My Heritage

Italian DNA – Understanding Genetics
Because of it’s location, Italy was invaded and conquered many times, as a result, very few people have pure Italian DNA. Italian Genealogy hopes to explain this, as well as, haplogroups in more detail in several posts. We try to keep things in simple terms so that it is easy to understand, but will provide links to more scientific detail for anyone that wants to explore further. For those who have already completed a DNA

My True Ancestry — Review
Several days ago I came across a Facebook add for a new company My True Ancestry Link. The advertisement went on to say that they can take your DNA sample from various companies ( such as Living DNA, Ancestry.com etc.) and match it to sample’s from ancient archeological sites. I found this to be fascinating, so I click the ad, having never heard of a site that does this process. This is what they offer:
Best Ancestry Research Links
New Links added We searched the internet for the best articles, blogs and books to help you with your ancestry research. Click the hyperlink to go to the site. Interactive Map of Italy — Rough Guides Campania — Municipal Guide From the Genealogy Blogspot — How to read Italian Birth Records Sicily — Sicilian Family Tree Professional Translations– Proz. From The Ancestor Hunt — US College Newspapers New Links added Six
Italian DNA – Haplogroups
Having received great feedback on my post Italian DNA — Where Do We Come From? I thought I would go a little deeper into Haplogroups. Very simple put, a Haplogroup is a marker of sorts that denotes a certain mutation at a certain time in history. This marker allows genealogists to more or less pinpoint a migration path. Males inherit this marker from both parents, while females only their mother. Knowing your haplogroup allows