Categories: Podcast

Ancient Italian Tribes – Falisci

About 1200 BC the Falisci crossed the Eastern part of the Alps into the plain of the Po River. 

A tribal confederation of about 30 villages the eventually settled in Latium near today’s Rome. 

While they were culturally close to the Etruscans, they spoke a language similar to Latin.

There capital was Falerii Veteres or present day Civita Castellana. Their resistance to Rome began in 437 BC. At that time they joined the Veii in the Etruscan Alliance. However that ended the Romans razed Falerii in 241 BC and 15,000 were killed. They then moved to Falerii Novi about 3 miles west.

They had their own religion and the worshipped Juno Quirtitis, Feronia and Soranus.


Italian DNA — Where do we come from?

But I know my grandparents came from Italy, how come I’m not 100% on my Italian  DNA test?  I know where I came from, why should I take a DNA test.  Ahh, there just made up anyway, somebody I know took the test and it said they where only 10% Italian, how can that be? All valid questions.  One thing we have to remember is that Italy was not united until the mid 19th Century.

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Ancient Italian Tribes — Ligurians

Click here to join our Facebook group The Ligurians inhabited north-western Italy in the regions of current day Liguria and parts of Piedmont. They also extended into the part of current day France, Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur. They were short of stature and known to be brave, strong and energetic. There is an open question as to were they, or did they mix with the Celts. They were a loose confederation of several peoples, the Inguani, Intemelii,

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Ancient Italian Tribes — Picenians

Click here to join our Facebook group I was asked to research the Picena by a member in my Facebook Group. I never heard of this tribe, so I thought let’s go for it! There is not a lot written about them, as they were a small tribe and not around for a very long time. What I did find was that they lived in a small area near the North Adriatic Sea ( see

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Where Do Italians Come From — The Ancient Calabrian Tribes

There is evidence of the presence of a type of Homo Erectus in Calabria along coastal areas as far back as 700,000 BC. More recently ( 12,000 BC ) Stone Age there is a figure of a bull in the Romito Cave. The first villages arrive in 3,500 BC. Click here to join Italian Genealogy on Facebook In approximately 1500 BC the Oenotri or vine cultivators settled in Calabria. According to legend, they were Greeks

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Where do Italians Come From? — The Ancient Sicilian Tribes

It is believed that the first people arrived in Sicily by sea as early as 20,000 BC.  Most likely from Western and Central Europe.  There were three tribes, the Elymians, the Sicani and the Siculi, from which Sicily gets it’s name.  The Siculi were the last to arrive on the island, and were related to the Italic peoples of Southern Italy, most likely the Italoi of Calabria, the Oenotrians, Chones, Leutarni, Opicans and Ausones.  Although

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Italian Genetics

We’ve done several posts on Italian genetics due to the complexity of the subject.  As I think we all know, Italy was conquered and reconquered for thousands of years.  In addition, it is still surprising that many people do not understand that they are not 100% Italian when the DNA test comes back. We’re going to try and address this as simply as we can, while we post links to the more scientific information on

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