I was asked to research the Picena by a member in my Facebook Group. I never heard of this tribe, so I thought let’s go for it!
There is not a lot written about them, as they were a small tribe and not around for a very long time.
What I did find was that they lived in a small area near the North Adriatic Sea ( see Pice on the map ). They were in the area from the 9th through the 3rd Centuries BC and reached there peak during the 5th and 6th Centuries BC.
Over the centuries they mixed with the Celts from the north, the maritime Siracusani of Dionisio and the Etruscans.
They had fully developed agricultural system and commercial economy. They were also very good artisans. Eventually, Rome took them on in battle in 268 BC.
The mythology around them is that a woodpecker ( picus lat. ) led them to the land Picenum. Thus they are known as those of the woodpecker.
Men and Women dressed in wool. Men had weapons and ornaments of bronze and iron and women had bracelets, girdles and ornamental pendants.
There are people today with the name Piceni. One has to think that they may be descendants from this ancient tribe.

History of Naples Italy with Vintage Photos
I have seen a lot of people that whose ancestors are from Naples, or Italy in general wondering why they have a percentage of Greek, Spanish, Arabic or other non-Italian segments. DNA segments can potentially go back 10 generations. I’m not a DNA nerd, but I certainly welcome any comments that any one may have to give simple explanations. I have also seen people post that I know where I came from and I’m 100%

History of Sardinia Italy
I never expected to find Sardian DNA or ancestry when I began my research. However, my fatherline shows 12% Sardinia and my autosomal DNA shows 1.2%. I was also able to trace back to the “Judges” of Arborea to Comita I in 1075 who is my 26th great grandfather on my paternal grandmother’s side. I also have a connection through the Aragonese. Specifically James II, my 20th great grandfather King of Aragon in 1297 and

History of Basilicata Italy
I never really paid much attention into the history of Basilicata Italy. As it turns out, many of my ancestral families are listed as playing a significant role in middle ages, specifically, Carafa, Caracciolo and Pignatelli from Italy. And the Capetians from France and the Aragona from Spain. Basilicata, region, southern Italy, along the Golfo di Taranto (Gulf of Taranto), consisting of the provinces of Potenza and Matera. Bounded by the regions of Puglia(north and

History of Campania Italy
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History of Sicily Italy
My connection to Sicily is interesting. While not really Sicilian, many of my ancestors had some hand in ruling there, either directly of indirectly. For example, the Hauteville, Hohenstaufen, Angevin French, the Argagonese and Spanish Hapsburgs are all part of my family tree going back almost 1000 years. Also, my wife’s mom is from Sciaccia, and her family is Proietto, Baldasanno, DeMino, Gelardi and some Cusumano. Reading through the history, it’s not surprising that when

History of Abruzzo Italy
Abruzzo(UK: /æˈbrʊtsoʊ/,[5]US: /ɑːˈbruːtsoʊ, əˈ-/,[6][7]Italian: [aˈbruttso]; Aquilano: Abbrùzzu) or Abruzziis a regionof Southern Italywith an area of 10,763 square km (4,156 sq mi) and a population of 1.2 million. It is divided into four provinces: L’Aquila, Teramo, Pescara, and Chieti. Its western border lies 80 km (50 mi) east of Rome. Abruzzo borders the region of Marcheto the north, Lazioto the west and south-west, Molise to the south-east, and the Adriatic Seato the east. Geographically, Abruzzo is divided into a mountainous

History of Puglia Italy
My mom’s family if from Toritto and Acquaviva Delle Fonti, Bari. Although, I do have come ancient de Hautville ancestors from the region on my dad’s side. My uncle Giovanni stayed behind when my grandparents came to America, and raised his family there until the late 1940’s. My cousins have an interview that they did with him in Barese and I hope to someday have that translation. My great grandfather, Francesco, owned a cow and

History of Calabria Italy
Little did I know, that when I began my family research, that I would have ancestors from Calabria. The Piromallo family was originally from Barcelona, Spain and eventually move to Naples. The “capostipite” or founder of the family was Count Domenico Piromallo, who died heroically, as commander of the Castle of Crotone in 1528. There’s not too much history to be found on the family until Francesco Antonio purchased Barony of Montebello in 1755 from